Monday, November 17, 2008

The End

By the fifth chapter, it was clear that Lennie wouldn't be able to live at all. One way or another, he would die and I think that it was for the best that George killed him, because as George promised, he wouldn't let anyone hurt Lennie, except, of course, himself. The ending was surprising but it wasn't unexpected. It was interesting how Lennie saw the pink rabbit, telling him that George would hurt him and that he would leave him. Also, when Lennie saw Aunt Clara I think that he was surprised how his aunt was telling him that George was better without him, but I don't think he realized at the time that it was his own mind. Unfortunately, it was true and everybody knew it. From how the book ended, Crooks was right because he had never seen ranch boys get their own place and I don't think he will anytime soon. I think George felt obliged to shoot Lennie because of what Candy told him when Carlson shot his dog, and I think Lennie died with a pleasant thought in his head about the house and his future life, very ignorant to the fact that he was about to die. I wouldn't have the guts to kill anyone no matter how much I hated or loved them, but the thing is, you just never know!

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