By the fifth chapter, it was clear that Lennie wouldn't be able to live at all. One way or another, he would die and I think that it was for the best that George killed him, because as George promised, he wouldn't let anyone hurt Lennie, except, of course, himself. The ending was surprising but it wasn't unexpected. It was interesting how Lennie saw the pink rabbit, telling him that George would hurt him and that he would leave him. Also, when Lennie saw Aunt Clara I think that he was surprised how his aunt was telling him that George was better without him, but I don't think he realized at the time that it was his own mind. Unfortunately, it was true and everybody knew it. From how the book ended, Crooks was right because he had never seen ranch boys get their own place and I don't think he will anytime soon. I think George felt obliged to shoot Lennie because of what Candy told him when Carlson shot his dog, and I think Lennie died with a pleasant thought in his head about the house and his future life, very ignorant to the fact that he was about to die. I wouldn't have the guts to kill anyone no matter how much I hated or loved them, but the thing is, you just never know!
Monday, November 17, 2008
The End
By the fifth chapter, it was clear that Lennie wouldn't be able to live at all. One way or another, he would die and I think that it was for the best that George killed him, because as George promised, he wouldn't let anyone hurt Lennie, except, of course, himself. The ending was surprising but it wasn't unexpected. It was interesting how Lennie saw the pink rabbit, telling him that George would hurt him and that he would leave him. Also, when Lennie saw Aunt Clara I think that he was surprised how his aunt was telling him that George was better without him, but I don't think he realized at the time that it was his own mind. Unfortunately, it was true and everybody knew it. From how the book ended, Crooks was right because he had never seen ranch boys get their own place and I don't think he will anytime soon. I think George felt obliged to shoot Lennie because of what Candy told him when Carlson shot his dog, and I think Lennie died with a pleasant thought in his head about the house and his future life, very ignorant to the fact that he was about to die. I wouldn't have the guts to kill anyone no matter how much I hated or loved them, but the thing is, you just never know!
Chapter 5
This was an action packed chapter. I somehow knew that Lennie would end up killing the puppy, but I would never have thought that he would end up killing a person, let alone Curley's wife! I was shocked but I think that she is to blame. She knew Lennie wasn't the brightest person, and even if she was lonely, she could've just talked to him, not let him touch her hair. People would probably think that Lennie did it on purpose, but really, nobody would know why she was killed other than Lennie and he would probably forget by the time he got to the river. I don't think that Curley's wife was lonely enough to let a handicapped person, who loves soft things, stroke her hair. I think it hit her when Lennie wouldn't let go of her hair the first time she asked him not to mess it up and from then on it went downhill. When she struggled, Lennie became scared but all Lennie wants to do is tend the rabbits and if George found out that Curley's wife was screaming then he wouldn't be able to tend them and I think that thought frightened him!
The song I chose is by Jocelyn Enriquez and it's called "Save me from being alone". I chose it because it is about loneliness which is what Curley's wife and Crooks were going through and they both hated it. They were bored out of their mind because either people wouldn't talk to them, or people couldn't talk to them.
Save Me From Being Alone
To live in a house not a home
I've counted my tears falling down each
night for all these years
I can't believe it ends like this
We've gone on our own seperate ways
to find ourselves again
Where should I go from here can I
live here without your love
Somehow someday I'll make it through
Please help me ease the pain
I'm lost I can't find my way
Hope and pray it will end in time the pain inside
Can somebody hear I'm crying for shelter
Please help me see this through
A world that can no longer feel
Seems that they have abandoned me forgotten me
Do I blame myself
Save me from being alone
How can you mend a lonely soul
Trying to leave the past the sorrow and the lies
How can I forgive someone who
just doesn't understand
That true love is gone away
Maybe it's for the best to live
these lives on our own
To say goodbye still I wonder why
Please help me ease the pain
I'm lost I can't find my way
Hope and pray it will end in time the pain inside
Can somebody hear I'm crying for shelter
Please help me see this through
A world that can no longer feel
Seems that they have abandoned me forgotten me
Do I blame myself
Save me from being alone
(To live in a house
(Without your love)
(Still wonder why)
(Can somebody hear)
(Can somebody hear)
(I'm crying for shelter)
Save me from being alone
The song I chose is by Jocelyn Enriquez and it's called "Save me from being alone". I chose it because it is about loneliness which is what Curley's wife and Crooks were going through and they both hated it. They were bored out of their mind because either people wouldn't talk to them, or people couldn't talk to them.
Save Me From Being Alone
To live in a house not a home
I've counted my tears falling down each
night for all these years
I can't believe it ends like this
We've gone on our own seperate ways
to find ourselves again
Where should I go from here can I
live here without your love
Somehow someday I'll make it through
Please help me ease the pain
I'm lost I can't find my way
Hope and pray it will end in time the pain inside
Can somebody hear I'm crying for shelter
Please help me see this through
A world that can no longer feel
Seems that they have abandoned me forgotten me
Do I blame myself
Save me from being alone
How can you mend a lonely soul
Trying to leave the past the sorrow and the lies
How can I forgive someone who
just doesn't understand
That true love is gone away
Maybe it's for the best to live
these lives on our own
To say goodbye still I wonder why
Please help me ease the pain
I'm lost I can't find my way
Hope and pray it will end in time the pain inside
Can somebody hear I'm crying for shelter
Please help me see this through
A world that can no longer feel
Seems that they have abandoned me forgotten me
Do I blame myself
Save me from being alone
(To live in a house
(Without your love)
(Still wonder why)
(Can somebody hear)
(Can somebody hear)
(I'm crying for shelter)
Save me from being alone
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Chapter 4

Chapter four really revealed so much about Crooks. I felt so bad reading his stories and learning about his past, because it wasn't fair, and he didn't and doesn't deserve to live like he has and is. Lennie is a very curious person, and he could get in a lot of trouble like that. Crooks could have reacted differently but luckily, he was happy with the company. Crooks needs company sometimes and he never does get it. Like Curley's wife, Crooks doesn't get to talk to people just because he felt like it or anybody to hang out with in his free time. In the book, the level of racsim is very high, like when Curley's wife calls him a negro in another inappropriate word, but in the movie, there is less, and it focuses on Curley's wife being lonely and having no one to talk to. The movie missed a big part of Crooks's past and I think it's because seeing as there still is racsim, people wouldn't want to watch a movie about a black person, and rather have their typical Hollywood fantasy about the lives about the white men and women of that time. It was an informative chapter and lists many important details that ties this story together. I didn't quite get why Candy started talking about the rabbits infront of Crooks as Candy wasn't supposed to tell anybody! George doesn't trust them. Crooks never knew someone to get their own land, and I still think he won't in the near future!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Chapter 3

Chapter three didn't come as much of a surprise as we watched the movie before we had the chance to watch it but nevertheless, I was taken aback a little. First of all, I never thought Candy would let someone shoot his dog, especially seeing as he didn't do it himself. I was shocked, and I felt for him as I may have shed a tear or two. Somehow, I don't think that they'll end up getting a place of their own, and even if they do, it wouldn't last too long. I thought th

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Chapter 2

Monday, November 3, 2008
The Start

So far, the novel Of Mice And Men, by John Steinbeck is a very capturing and detalied book. Steinbeck made sure that every detail is said from the animals, to their surroundings. There are two main characters so far called Lennie, and George. George is like the leader who takes on most of the responsiblities, while Lennie tags along as George is his only friend and he is mentally challenged and forgets things easily. The first chapter was set in a forest where Lennie and George were sleeping until the next morning when they were going to their ranch, and there was a river near by, and lots of green ar

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